Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Day 1 of the Fast Track Cash Program

Hello all,

As you are aware, I have just started my mission to become a successful Affiliate Marketer. I have very limited knowledge when it comes to the Internet and computers. I have scanned through literally hundreds of websites claiming they can make me exceedingly wealthy. Now I have always been gullable and I have spent a small fortune on products that just don't work. This has unfortunately made me a bit of a cynic when it comes to certain websites claims. So for a couple of years I went off the idea of becoming an Internet Marketer.

However, due to the recent economic downturn, combined with my own lingering debt, I have once again decided to give it a go.

So I am trying out two products Income4Learners by Chris Tucker and Fast Track Cash by Ewen Chia.
As I mentioned in previous blogs, I have started The Fast Track Cash 7 day training program, where at the end of it, Ewen claims I should be making money.
Today I am going to chat about the introduction and Day 1 of the video training guide.

So I downloaded the training guide as well as Flash Player, which you will need to view the videos. Alternatively you will need a FLV converter to convert them to play in windows media player.(But that's a bit of a pain in the ass) Oh and if you don't have it on your system you will need winzip or a free alternative.

So all the technical stuff is out the way. The Introduction goes through everything about becoming an Affiliate Marketer, what type of job it is, what you need to get started and how to become one. In simple terms an Affiliate Marketer is someone who promotes other peoples products and gets a commission from it. What I was pleasantly surprised at was, that in the world of business. Internet Affiliate Marketing is the ONLY business you can start Without EVER having to Put A Single Penny Down. All you need really is an Internet connection. Now this really interests me, because even if you don't have your own computer, you can just nip down to your local library or Internet cafe' and you're set.

He also explains that if you want to become a Super Affiliate (The guys who make six figures) you will need two important tools one for hosting, so you can host your own website. The preferred one is HostGator which is inexpensive and the best value for money. The other thing is a Autoresponder this is the best one I found on the net and I use.

So we get to the first day. Here it's all about Finding A Topic. What he means is you need to find a niche' or a product. (The niche' is, say for example, weight loss or health products. The Products could be Better Health slimming tablets or Dove beauty soap.) In fact if you sign up and log into Clickbank, you'll see just how many niche's and products are out there.
He goes into detail on how you need to carefully pick your product or niche' to promote so you can make the most profits.

It's all very interesting to start with and it's got me all fired up for day 2.

To check out what I'm talking about, click here.

Monday, 26 July 2010

A bit about the second system Fast Track Cash

As I explained in previous blogs, I have scoured the Internet in a bid to break free from the financial constraints that are holding me back. After a lengthy process of elimination, I have decided to try two systems Chris Tuckers Income4Learners, which I have briefly explained and the second one is Ewen Chia's Fast Track Cash.

One of the reasons why I chose these systems is because if you type either name into ANY search engine, you practically get thousands of pages of information about them. Which means these guys know how to get noticed on the web. And the first thing I learn from Fast Track Cash is, traffic is King. No matter what you are trying to sell, if you haven't got a steady flow of traffic to your site, then you won't make any sales.

Luckily, Fast Track Cash shows you exactly what you need to do to bring traffic to your webpage or blog. The cool thing about Fast Track Cash, is not only do you get loads of e-books on Internet Marketing. Ewen Chia has developed Training Videos that you can follow step by step. Now I am no computer boff, in fact, I'm pretty useless when it comes to computers, but the Fast Track Cash System teaches you via video, exactly what you need to do to become a successful Internet Marketer. I am currently working on a seven day training video course that guarantees I will make money at the end of it. I am on day one and I have already made $95. Okay nothing to write home about, but I hardly did anything to get it.

So I urge any of you out there who seriously want to make money out of Working From Home, then you should check this out.

Click here for more info.

Thursday, 22 July 2010

Now For something Different XBOX Gaming

Okay, so between trying to earn a living online, it's good to have some time out and change the scenery. I like gaming. I have found something that might be of interest to any XBox enthusiasts out there. I, like most people don't like forking out a lot of money for games. So I find myself Buying second hand Games. The problem with this is they come scratched and sometimes don't play so well. So I looking into cleaning products and I came across this website that Shows you all sorts of cool stuff. How To Fix your Xbox, play burned games and even play Games from other Consoles. The possibilities are endless.

Click Here to check out more.

Happy Gaming

Blog your way to Financial Freedom.

In my search to Ditch Debt and Find Financial Freedom by becoming an Internet Marketer, I have found a unique way to make cash from Blogging. Yep, I thought blogging was just an online diary, boy was I wrong.

So, If you are like me and want to be Financially Free, learn to use the power of Blogging.

I have found a Fantastic Blogging Guide that explains how easy blogs are to set up thanks to a Free program called Wordpress. Updating, Customising and Optimising for search engines are all a part of this Wonderful Product. In fact search engines gobble up Wordpress blogs like candy . . . in other words higher traffic!

So if you want an easy way to get your own profitable site up and running and you haven't got a clue about HTML, or web design, Easy Cash Blogging is what you need to succeed.

Click here to find out more.

Wednesday, 21 July 2010

Online Global Reviews

Here's what others are saying about Online Global Reviews.

Online Global Reviews

Monday, 19 July 2010

Income4Learners Day 2

Hi All,

So it's my second day as a novice Internet Marketer. Yesterday I joined Chris Tuckers Income4Learners.
Now according to Chris Anyone who can Turn a Computer On, can run his system. Well I'm putting him to the test. I downloaded his free e-book and immediately I could see why so many people are interested in his product.
He explains things like Autoresponders, Opt-In E-mail lists and other Internet Marketing Jargon in an easy to follow fashion.

My first response, if anyone wants has thought of Running an Online Businessbut don't know where to start, I suggest Clicking Here

Learning to Scuba Dive the PADI way

Learning to Scuba Dive the PADI way

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Income4Learners - The 1st system

Morning Bloggers,

Remember in my last post I was talking about two systems, well this is the first.

Income4Learners is a new system created by Chris Tucker, who claims he can turn Anyone's Computer into a Virtual Cash Machine 24/7. What's more, he was giving an E-book away for Free that explains the Business Strategy.
I must say, the Income4Learners E-book does exactly as it says on the Tin.
It is informative, unique and certainly eye-catching.

Want to know more, then Click Here.

Income4Learners Takes Work From Home Opportunities to a New Level

Income4Learners Takes Work From Home Opportunities to a New Level

Ditching Debt & Finding Financial Freedom.

Hello all,

Welcome to my first ever blog. I am going to keep it quite short, but I want to tell you the reason why I am starting this blog.

My name is Glen Palmer, I am 34 years old and like many of you out there, drowning in debt.
I am constantly in my overdraft, every month I am robbing Peter to pay Paul and it's just not working for me anymore. I need a change.
So about a month ago, I started to research the internet for a second source of income to boost the measly one I currently have. I have visited a lot of sites and I mean a lot . I signed up for surveys, suite 101 where I have started to write articles. Please feel free to read them ;-) And I have forked out my hard earned money on two systems that have guranteed me that I could earn a substancial income.
So this is what my blog is about, me following these systems to the letter and making money from them.

Stay tuned Folks it may be a bumpy ride.